Monday, May 19, 2014

Oh, the Marvelous Things That Are Happening!

The title is a true testament to how I feel right now! Although, this doesn't help you much so I shall elaborate hahah

I went in for my follow-up appointment last Wednesday and it certainly boosted my confidence more than I ever imagined it would! So I went in hoping for the best (as good as news can get for progress and such) and got so much more!

First, my doctor is amazing. He has been rated top doctor in Cincinnati for reproductive endocrinology almost every year since 1997. The group I go to within UC, he created it. He is a professor and the head of the endocrinology department of UC Medical School. He's a people person, makes things not awkward (because this kind of stuff is awkward and embarrassing) and makes me feel like even though I know something inside me is not right, it doesn't make me less of a woman or that we can't tackle this problem with ease. He's an amazing man!

So to do a recap of events thus far with my doctor, my first appointment with his was in February when I go a recommendation from my primary doctor to go to him ASAP because there were some major concerns. Namely, my lack of periods, hair growth, super high testosterone level and various unusual pains. I was surprised at how quickly I got in with him and how nice everyone was in his office! I go into his office and we talk about PCOS, hirsutism and my periods. He did an ultrasound with a weird wand thing that he put in me to look at fibroids, ovaries and cysts. He said my ovaries were huge, my fibroids were out of control and that he was officially diagnosing me with PCOS. He told me to continue the birth control I started taking a couple months before, take Spirolactin and Metformin, he would do some blood tests and see me back in 3 months. Well when I got my blood work bck, I was happy that my testosterone went down from my last blood test in November where it was about 188. My weight stayed the same which was okay.

Well I wen in for my follow-up just last week and I am super excited!!!! He did my yearly PAP, which I assume will be normal because I haven't had issues in the past with it and I have no family history of any issues. He spoke to me about my progress and how I am feeling. I have lost 7 pounds!!! That is the first loss of weight I've experienced in 3 years, which is great because I didn't even really try to lose any weight (I can only imagine what will happen if I do) so he believes my medications are doing their job and I should continue them. He also spoke to me about having kids and what I would need to do to make this happen... Its pretty standard, hubby gets sperm count, I get some weird dye test that determines if my tubes are open and my uterus is looking good then I take Clomid and viola! (well hopefully viola! on the first try but who knows lol). I got more blood drawn and scheduled another follow-up for 2 months from now to talk about my dye test results and my progress at that point. He seems to think because of my age, my general health (all of my blood levels are great) and all that jazz, that I will have minimal problems conceiving.

I would like to say, I got my blood work back and I am excited! My first appointment, I got blood work done and my testosterone went down to 132 ng/dL on February 12, 2014. I got it done this time and my testosterone went down to 74 ng/dL on May 14, 2014!! That is the lowest it's been since 2009!!!!! EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!

I know for some that doesn't seem like a big reason to celebrate but for me this is huge! I've always had an imbalance and for me to hit my lowest level in 5 years is amazing! It's only been about 6 months of medication but I can only imagine what will happen during my next appointment. If I am lucky, I might actually be in the normal range, which I can honestly say has never happened in my whole life. New information from my mom has shown me that I have had a testosterone imbalance since I was 6 years old and was diagnosed with PCOS at age 7 (before I even started). I know this news excites the hubby because he is baby crazy and wants a child (so do I but I never felt confidence in my ability to conceive) but now I have all the confidence in the world to move forward with it. It is certainly not something we are rushing into but its nice to know that I now have the ability should we choose... Its nice to have options, ya know?

I will update with any information I get on my follow-up appointment! Good luck to all of you in your journeys as well! I would love to hear from you guys on your thoughts, struggles, victories and anything else you would like to share!