Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Expenses and Other Stuff

Okay ladies, let me get really honest here... Having PCOS is expensive and the testing is outrageous!

I have insurance that covers a decent portion of all of the tests I've had to take and everything but man oh man, I still have to pay out the butt for the stuff that isn't covered! I just got a bill (insurance covered around 70%) and it was for $967.00!!!

So in my last post, I mentioned my doctor wanted me to have an HSG test (Hysterosalpingogram) in days 4-12 of my cycle. I called to schedule the appointment and to
my surprise, insurance wasn't going to cover any of it! This was not something I was warned
about when I had my last appointment so I was not prepared for the price tag or the fact that
they needed most of it when I scheduled the appointment and the rest the day of the
appointment. The test was going to cost $750.00 and I needed $450.00 when scheduling it.
Seeing as how my test was to give my doctor a better picture of my PCOS,I felt it should've
been covered. They lady in the financial/billing department said that they can't bill it for my
PCOS since it is a infertility test. I explained to her the purpose and that I'm not trying for a
kid right now. She recommended a Saline Sono (Sonohysterosalpingogram) instead, so I called my doctor to see if we could do that instead since it could be billed for the purpose that it was serving, to see the extent of my PCOS and how everything looks in there. He said it would be okay to do that test and I scheduled it.

I did not enjoy that test not one bit. I'm sure it was made worse by the fact that I have some sort of an infection or something... It could also have something to do with the fact that I had to have the test done twice since for some reason the device was letting bubbles out... Or the fact that there was my doc, a med student, and two nurses in there with the lights off and a lamp shining onto my hoo-ha... Or a combination of all of the above!

After the shock of the pain that occurred when they inserted the catheter and inflated the balloon, the rest wasn't bad. I did have to wear a pad afterwards because they used a crazy amount of saline to get the test done (twice) so that it didn't look like I peed my pants lol

I did find out that everything is in working order though, all tubes are open, no cysts (which I haven't had any since I've been his patient and am not aware of a history of having any cysts ever), uterus is in a great position and it all looks "normal". Yay for great news!!!!

The hubby also got tested and his little swimmers are what my doctor calls "Super Sperm" because of his results (imagine my husband's reaction when I came home and told him that... you'd swear I came home and told him I was pregnant lol).

So now for the journey on the way to parenthood can begin shortly.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Start of a Long and Hard Journey!

Well folks, as disgusting as this may be to some of you, I am posting my before pictures and current height/weight and measurements. This is mostly for my own personal record but hopefully it will inspire some of you on your journey as well. (Excuse the mess on the counter, this is our spare bathroom and my mom has been staying with us while going through a nasty divorce b/c her husband shut the power off )

As many of you know, having PCOS means you are (most likely, not always), overweight AND it is stubborn weight that won't come off because your hormones are all kinds of wacky. Well I fall into that category. Very quickly I might add! I've never been a stick but I've usually been in pretty decent, athletic shape. I was never considered "obese" and was barely considered overweight (by 5 pounds my doc would always say) but just a year and a half prior to finding out I had PCOS, I gained 25 pounds... That's what sparked the thought that I might have it and low and behold, I do. I know firsthand that it's not easy, I have been trying since the first 10 pounds creeped up on me. I would go to my local Planet Fitness 5 days a week for hours at a time, I'd walk to work everyday (as long as it wasn't snowing or raining because I had to cross two major roadways) instead of drive since it was close, I watched what I ate and I did personal training sessions once per week. Never lost a pound. Instead I gained. UGH! It is so frustrating. Trust me, I know how you feel.

I have begun, as of last night after these photos, measurement and such were taken, the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 Video. Let me tell you what, it kicked my butt HARD last night. I don't think I've sweated that much in my life (it could also be due to the weather and the fact I don't like to turn my A/C on because it costs a ridiculous amount each month to have it on). I worked it out hard and had to pause in between the circuits for a water break. I won't recommend it yet because I have no results to say it works BUT I will say that if I am going to be working out as hard as I did yesterday, then it should work by the end of the 30 days. I am going into this with realistic expectations though. I do not by any means expect to have a body like Jillian Michaels by day 30 (wouldn't that be nice?!?) but I would like to be slimmer, lose 15 pounds and be able to start the video again until I am the size I would like to be. My build screams "I can handle huge muscles!!" and I'm going to give it what it wants! It's all about goals and hard work! My BMI right now is at a 29.2, which is classified as being overweight. In order to be in the normal/healthy range, I need to get down between 114-149... My goal is to be down to 140 by the end of the year and I think it's very reasonable as long as my meds keep working, my work-out keeps working and I don't get pregnant by December hahah I would love to stay at 140 but I could go lower if my body allows me to get there healthy.

My Goals:

-Lose 30 pounds by September 1st.
-Lose 20 more pounds by December 31st.
-Have toned arms
-Lose my bra fat
-Start my period on my own without needing medication
-Get my testosterone level within normal range
-Drink more water and less soda
-Be able to hike to the top of the Natural Bridge without getting winded
-Discern portion sizes and control my eating at family events/holidays.
-Have clearer/less oily skin
-Get pregnant by the time hubby leaves for basic or just after technical training :-)

My Measurements:

Height: 5' 5.5" (I don't anticipate this changing)
Weight: 178
Bra Size: 40D
BMI: 29.2 (overweight)

Bust: 42"
Chest: 38.5"
Upper Arm: 12.5" (left), 13" (right)
Forearms: 10.5" (left), 10.75" (right)
Waist: 36.25"
Hips: 42" 
Thighs: 25" (yes, measured both and they were the same)
Calves: 15.5" (again, they were the same)
Neck: 14.75"