Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Pregnancy Progress

I have been TERRIBLE about updating this blog during my pregnancy! Work has been crazy busy, the girls hockey season, summer events, preparing for a baby... Its all crazy!!

I wanted to write a quick update though to let everyone know how my pregnancy is going. Summed up in one word: perfect. No joke.

I have had zero nausea or vomiting. I have had only slight pain in my round ligament area and lower pelvic region (nothing a brace and a little heat can't fix!). I was able to go camping (yes in a tent) on the 4th of July weekend with no problems except the rain being a bit of a damper. Went on a 2 hour, 2 mile cave tour with no pain or shortness of breath (except for the end when we had to go up 450 very steep steps... but even the most fit person on the tour was a little winded). Have been doing yoga every week. Working like regular. No crazy cravings except for fruits and veges and peanut butter on graham or regular crackers and giant amounts of salad. No excessive weight gain (I actually lost a couple pounds in the first trimester and my doctor just told me Monday that my weight gain is perfect and exactly where it needs to be). No complaints from me. My husband tries to tell people I have been an angel or perfect through the entire pregnancy thus far, but no one seems to believe him lol

As of today, I am 28 weeks and 2 days. I started feeling my wonderfully perfect baby boy kick me on May 25, 2015 and Ryan was able to feel it as well on that day. He is an active baby. He apparently loves hockey already just as much as we do. We were watching the Stanley Cup Playoff games (our team Chicago Blackhawks were in the playoffs and eventually won the cup) and every time Chicago would score a goal, he would kick. When they would win the game, he would go crazy. Not because we were going crazy, in fact all we did was high five each other because we didn't want to wake the girls up as they were asleep during all but the final game. I can't even tell you how crazy he went when the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup... Needless to say, I felt like a human punching bag for about 5 minutes hahah

The placenta is located in the anterior position so he is sitting towards the back. I started feeling him move under my ribs when I was about 22 weeks along. Now the movements I get are under the ribs, normal kicking/headbutting to the side, front and down low, and I get creepy crawly movements that just feel odd because they aren't like the kicks- they are him moving around to get comfy.

I did have one fail so far but it was to be expected a little bit. Now I preface this by saying, I have been doing really, really well with my diet during the pregnancy. I have tried to do my best (and everyone has agreed) to feed myself and the baby properly. I took my one-hour glucose test and failed. I will also state that I screwed it up. The nurse who gave me the solution to take home told me I could eat beforehand- she never warned me no carbs or that it had to be at least an hour before. So me, being the genius that I am, ate two pieces of whole wheat toast with a smidge of butter about 5 minutes before drinking the solution. Based on the results, my doctor believes that the eating messed it up but either way, I do have to go in for the 3 hour glucose test this Friday morning. I am crossing fingers that I pass this. I really, really don't want GD!! I know it is very common and not unexpected in women with PCOS but it doesn't mean it sucks any less! I would love to be able to not have to super watch what I eat, have a super big baby or have to have a C-Section because of his shoulders. Please say a prayer that I don't have to do that!

Other than the GD test, I have been doing amazingly. I can no longer fit into my pre-pregnancy pants without a waist expender thing. I can still fit into a lot of my pre-pregnancy tops, which is great!

All in all, I have no complaints during this pregnancy. I do however need to get my butt moving on the office transition. We're combining the office with the craft room  but the office is a huge mess because it also became our catch-all room when we didn't have time or a place to put something. Luckily, it is coming along. I have the goal to have it all cleared out by the time this weekend is over since we don't have anything else going on (Ryan will be working). I want to get the monsoon of baby furniture, clothing and toys out of our front room as quickly as we can.

Oh and speaking of nursery, we have planned that we are going to do a vintage superhero themed bedroom. We got a dresser that we are going to paint with blue, red and yellow to match the theme (hopefully the dresser can double as our changing table, if not, we'll just have to get one). Ryan's aunt is graciously sewing the bedding and curtains out of this cool fabric Ryan's mom found online that she was going to order for us. We were able to already buy the crib, rocking chair and dresser for his room. We have a ton of clothes to wash and hang up that we got from my dad's girlfriend (she has 2 grandsons that have grown out of all of it) and more to come from my aunt and uncle who had a boy in November. His room will come together nicely!

And before anyone asks, no we don't have his name picked out yet... We agree on a lot of names, the hard part is choosing what your child will be identified as for the rest of his life. Lots of pressure there!

He is already so spoiled and loved by everyone. I can't wait for him to arrive in October!! I will try to be better about updating! I will post pictures of his nursery once everything is complete. We will also be having a 3d/4d ultrasound at my 30 week appointment because the girls want to see him move around and see what he looks like. They haven't been to any of the appointments and I didn't realize our last ultrasound would be my anatomy scan so we're going to pay a little but they are beyond excited to be able to go and see him.