Thursday, February 13, 2014

Weight Loss

So for the readers out there who think they may have PCOS, are doing research on PCOS or have PCOS and are reading for comfort, I'll give you a news flash: Weight is hard to get off, if not almost impossible!

When my symptoms started getting worse, I noticed that I started to slowly gain weight. Now, two years later, I'm about 35 pounds heavier. I have recently (about 6 months now) taken a break from working out and haven't noticed any gain in weight in that time period. I used to go to the gym about 3-5 days a week, depending on my schedule that week. I would work out for about 1-2 hours, and possibly taken a Zumba or Yoga class. I have always been pretty muscular from sports and I haven't seen any decrease in strength, just a gain of weight. It is frustrating when you work so hard and have good eating habits, only to get bigger! My weight was near impossible to get off... I would step on the scale and would only see maybe a one pound decrease (if I was lucky) but it never stayed down because your weight fluctuates by 5 pounds each day. It didn't used to be this way! In high school (mind you that wasn't very long ago), I was able to run or do some conditioning twice a week and the pounds would fall off... We ate fast food a lot then because mom was sick and we had to be ten thousand places so we'd eat fast food almost 4-5 nights a week... I watch what I eat now, eat very healthy and don't eat a lot of junk food so it made no sense to me.

I can remember starting to feel very self conscious about my weight increase, something that never happened before. I have always felt confident and loved the way I looked but I suddenly felt that going away. It made me sad.

I was told by my doctor that many women who have PCOS have struggles with their weight. I am not obese, just a bit overweight but I would like to fix this. My doctor also told me that when my hormones become more balanced, it should be easier to get my weight off like it was just a couple years ago. I am hopeful this is the case because I would love to be at a healthy weight, I would love to be able to fit in my favorite jeans and not have to buy new ones because none of my clothes fit. I want to not feel like I have to tug at my shirt when I sit down to hide my stomach. I am becoming more comfortable in my body at it's current size but I don't want it to be this way forever.

I am going to document my struggles with weight, my ups and downs, what works and what doesn't and hopefully you can take that journey with me! We can lose it together and be healthy, happy, PCOS women! I know (and I hope you do too) it is going to be a long journey, it might take a year or more for me to lose what I want but I am willing to wait!

Please, as always, share your comments, suggestions, things that worked for you, things that didn't and any questions you have!! I invite open conversation and candidness!

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