Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Brag post

I don't normally brag on myself or my victories so this will be a bit odd but my doctor just called so I MUST share the victory!!

One: The Metformin that my doctor prescribed is not having hardly any side effects this time around. The first time I was on it, I was having extensive stomach pains and diarrhea (TMI I know but someone out there might be having the same problem) so we gave it a break. I started it back up after a 6 month break and it is doing great! No side effects whatsoever! Yay! Also the Aldactone  is not having the diuretic symptoms I was warned about, which is again, great!

Two: My doctor called with my bloodwork results. My testosterone has gone down pretty significantly since my last blood test and since being on birth control for about 3 months. I was at a 188 (!!) and now I'm down to 132 (!!). It is still very high but I would say that this decrease of over 50 is a huge gain for me! My free testosterone went down to a 9.2 (normal range peaks at 6.4 I believe). All of my other work for glucose, triglycerides, etc. came back in normal range which is great! He also told me on my ovaries from the ultrasound, I do not have any cysts but, as he told me in the appointment when they were doing the ultrasound, my ovaries are huge! It's normal when you have that high of an amount of testosterone running through your body. I'm just so elated!!

I think for me, this is a huge victory. I know I didn't do much other than pop a pill for 3 months but I am just so excited that my body is functioning how it should be to get the levels down. Now to work on getting them down even more so I can start popping out babies hahah!

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