Monday, March 31, 2014

Symptom update

Well it's been a little bit since my last post. Life has been a whirlwind and my symptoms have been so up and down that I'm not sure what to think...

I started taking the medication prescribed by my wonderful doctor but unfortunately I started having some severe nausea everyday and vomiting for half of the week, to the point I was eating nothing more than crackers when I could keep them down... It was bad. My doctor took me off of the aldactone for a week to see if that changed anything and it didn't so he put me back on it and told me to try to eat more. I am not supposed to take the medication with no food in my stomach so I increased my food amount and so far it seems to be going well. I've only had two days since then that I've felt nauseous and one day where I vomited. I am not seeing any increase or decrease in weight or appetite yet. I have been cutting back on my portioning and sweets. I did give up soda for lent so there is another thing out of my diet. I have not been able to really work out, my schedule is wayyyyyy too busy to get serious exercise in. I have been taking the stairs everywhere I go and trying to run up them instead of walk all the time. It's at least something.

I have had a pretty noticeable and awesome side effect of the medication. So usually I would not be able to eat meat because of how it reacts with my stomach and the Metformin typically has some less than desirable bowel side effects. Now that I have been on all medications, I have been able to eat meat!! I have been without chicken, beef, steak, pork, etc. for almost a year but I have recently discovered that I can eat it. I still have issues with fried/greasy foods and popcorn but I'm at least able to have a wider range of foods when we go out to eat lol

Another symptom that I have noticed has been having two periods in one month for February and March. Not spotting, like full blown periods, two of them, two weeks apart. Aggravating! I decided to skip the one I am supposed to be having right now because frankly I am sick of dealing with it and just need a break (after all, one of them did just end two weeks ago!).

I do have a follow-up with my doctor in May and in that appointment we will be having a discussion about how things have been going, possible future treatment options and the possibility for children in the near future. I am hoping that any round of medication that we have for conception works the first round and we can have a happy, healthy baby (ideal, wishful thinking lol) but we all know that there are challenges that can come with fertility treatments. We are hoping to have a child here within the next year or two, its something that we feel e are financially prepared for, have enough space in our home and are at a good age to extend our family, not to mention my family wants (without saying it directly) us to have kids. Just typing about it makes me a little excited at the prospect!

Well I believe this is all the news I have for now. I will post when I speak with my doctor in a month or if my symptoms change.

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