Monday, November 17, 2014

My husband and teal toes.

It's official folks, the verdict is in, my husband is the cutest!

He is not perfect by any means and he's made some mistakes (who hasn't) but he's mine and he's improving. My husband and I didn't have a 100% grasp on all things PCOS (he is a guy and I am new to having it)... He had less of a grasp on it all. I think because it was the unknown and he doesn't research things to death like me, it seemed to be too much for him so he just took my word for it.

On Friday, I had a lot of downtime at work so I was on Pinterest looking around and a little picture that had the PCOS diet summarized came up and so I clicked on it. I had a bit about things I shouldn't eat/drink but hadn't gotten any concrete evidence for it so I wondered if the people who created this pin might... They did! They had ton of other info so I just kept reading. I ended up copying some of the links and sending them to my husband.

Now usually when I send him something at work, he doesn't read it because he doesn't check his personal email or he doesn't have time because they are swamped. At the end of the day when he finally checks his email, he's usually in the car with me (we ride together because we work right around the corner from each other) and when he sees its something from me, he usually asks "What was that article/link/video/etc. about?" and I usually summarize. I thought this time would be no different since it was the day after a game, which is usually one of his busiest days. He proved me wrong. This time, he called me a little after lunch, tearing up a little, and said "I had no idea that is what you are dealing with! It is making me sad to know the extend of what you are going through. I would like to talk to you about it after work. I love you." and then we hung the phone up pretty quickly after that because he had to go back to work and I had a call on the other line. I couldn't believe it... He had read all 10 articles I had sent him AND gotten emotional about them. I was soooo excited he had actually read them. They weren't very long but it meant so much that he was willing to educate himself on what I am going through and that he now has a better grasp on it. Towards the end of the day, he started creating some shirts on this t-shirt design website about PCOS. They were teal and had different sayings and pictures he combined to make some pretty cool shirts.

He gets in the cars, tears in his eyes, and says "You are so strong. I can't believe that you have to deal with that everyday. I wish I could take that pain and burden away from you. I will do anything to help you." He proceeds to tell me he did some research on his own and found out a lot of stuff. One thing he found out and was very insistent on doing is called "Teal Toes". I had no idea it existed until he told me about it. Apparently, women with PCOS with paint their toes only teal with the hopes that someone with notice that they are always teal and ask about it. It is an opportunity for them to explain what PCOS is and raise awareness. My husband wanted to do this. I thought he was kidding but sure enough, when we were at the store buying a few things, he picked out a teal nail polish and had me paint his toes last night. My husbands toes are teal!! He thinks it will raise more questions as to why a guy is wearing teal nail polish on his toes than why a girl chooses the same color all the time. I'm sure he'll get some questions. Maybe not now because it is winter but when the weather breaks and he's able to wear sandals and walk barefoot, he'll get questions.

Guys, how did I get so lucky to have such a supportive (and crazy) husband?! He is so amazing! I am sooo elated that he is willing to research PCOS to get a better idea of what is going on inside me. I usually keep things to myself because I don't want to be one of those girls who complains all the time or brings attention to myself, even with my husband, so he didn't really know what was happening inside. I know this post makes it sound like out relationship is bad or that he doesn't care, but I can tell you its far from that. He is very supportive and loving and caring, he just might not always read the silly articles or news articles I send him but when it comes to anything else, he is always attentive. When I do complain about symptoms, he is there to lend an ear, he lends a shoulder to cry on if I need it and is ready to get me anything I need to make me feel better. He is wonderful (if he wasn't, I wouldn't have married him). I just had to brag on him for a little bit. He is wonderful and I love him.

Has anyone else's husband done anything like this or some act to show awareness or compassion towards your PCOS journey?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

No good news....

Unfortunately, I have no good news to deliver as I hoped that I might. I took my test on Saturday, November 8 and it was negative. I took another one yesterday in hopes that I needed more time because I really felt "different" but no such luck. That is perfectly fine though!

So since the last time I posted, I have injected myself with my Ovidrel shot as directed by my doctor and had timed intercourse. I used my progesterone pills as directed by my doctor as well and tested on Saturday. Obviously this round didn't work. To say we were bummed would be an understatement. We were really hoping this would be the round because I felt so different this time around than last time.

The light at the end of the tunnel is that we can try again this month! Another set of good news is that hubby's work FINALLY got the insurance situation figured out! After 3 loooooong months of them fiddle-farting around with their computer errors and whatnot, we have finally been able to sign up for next year. I'm not sure if they will let us sign up for this year because of the whole policy where you need to sign up by day 31 of employment. If we aren't able to, my husband has sent an email to the lady who has been "working" on them problem and told her that we will be sending her all medical bills that would be covered by insurance from the date of eligibility to December 31 and expect full reimbursement. Since hubby's insurance covers infertility services, they would be reimbursing us for 3-4 rounds (depending on when it all falls or if I get pregnant) of infertility services, which is a nice chunk of change since we've been having to pay cash for all of it.... $1078/round, $6 for letrozole/round, $22-32 for Ovidrel/round, $108 prometrium/round, $113 for estridol/ 1 round (so far, I will most likely use it again this round).... That is right around $3,765.00 for three rounds (so this upcoming round is included in that)... I would love to get all or most of that back from his company for their mistake. And this doesn't even include my husband's most recent trip to the doctor where he was diagnosed with bronchitis and a sinus infection! The biggest problem that we have had through all of this is that the person who held the position prior to my husband, had no issues getting insurance and he had the same position and type (lower hourly pay) but all of a sudden when my husband got the position, there was some crazy issue with it all in the computer and the way they entered him in. I'm glad they got it fixed but we could have had all of this stuff covered had they just done it all properly or looked into it the first 5 times we asked why he wasn't eligible.

So back on track now (sorry for the rant!). I will be going in for my baseline ultrasound on Thursday and hope by then we will have insurance coverage and if not, then we'll just add it to his tab at work lol I really hope this round works! I think we have found a good combination of medication, a good dosage of the Letrozole and my body seems to be prepping itself for this to happen! I would love to be pregnant by Christmas! Should I get pregnant by Christmas, I could schedule the first heartbeat to be heard on my husband's birthday!! I would love to be able to have him hear the first heartbeat on his birthday... It would such a wonderful blessing, present and moment in our lives :-)

I have just found out that one of my dearest friends has PCOS and has dealt with it since she was a teenager. She is currently pregnant and due very soon. I am so elated to know that she has gone through the same struggle we have and it has been successful for her! God has a funny way of putting people into our lives at just the right moments, even though you don't realize it. He wanted us to be put together 4 years ago and create a special bond before we both began struggling with the same issue of infertility! God is so good!

I am hopeful that this works this time around! I am really excited and feel that this could be it! I have my baseline appointment on Thursday, November 13 (my grandma's birthday) to see if everything is ready to go to start round 3. Please pray for this appointment and my journey... I need all the help I can get!

You know what they say, the 3rd times a charm, right?