Monday, April 27, 2015


As of today, I am officially 17 weeks along! My oh my how time has flown by! It seems like not that long ago that we were telling everyone when I was almost 7 weeks!

I haven't weighed myself in quite sometime because my scale isn't exactly the most reliable so I don't even weigh myself anymore. Last I checked though, I was up 5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I have really been trying to eat healthy.. It also helps that I have been craving fruit and veges at various times so I have been stuffing myself full of good stuff! I have had the occasional piece of candy or cake or ice cream but nothing more than usual... Sweet stuff has been too sweet for me since I got pregnant! I will admit, I have not been the best at taking my vitamin everyday... I'm not one that remembers medicine. I need to get better about it and put it next to my bed so I can remember to take it at night before bed or something.

Anywhos. I have been keeping a pregnancy journal as the weeks come and go to see changes and size differences. I am now measuring at 42 1/4 inches around my hips and 48 inches around my belly button. I'm not sure what I was pre-pregnancy for my hips but my pants still fit, so that's a good thing for now. I can't wear all of them, just the ones that were previously larger or stretchy. My belly has expended significantly, although I just can't see much of a big difference. I was about 41 inches pre-pregnancy so clearly the baby is growing. I can see the pooch form just below my belly button that shows kind of where my uterus is sitting because it kind of goes out then in.. its weird hahah

I have had a very easy pregnancy (insert hisses and boos here). I have had no morning sickness, no crazy cravings, nothing makes me nauseous when I see it or smell it (except the occasionally nasty gas released from the body of my hubby or the girls), I'm still able to fit quiet a few of my pre-pregnancy clothes. The only pain in the butt thing to me is the increased testosterone (which has slowed down a little on the increase), the quickness with which my body hair grows and the darkening of some hairs that were not there before. Also, my acne has gotten worse... My guess is it is caused by the increase in testosterone. I have grown a whole cup size by the time I was 12 weeks. Luckily my boobs haven't increased since then but they are stinking huge and heavy! I was very tired in the beginning... As in falling asleep/ready for bed at 8 or 9pm and wanting to sleep through my alarm clock and try not to fall asleep during the middle of the day! I'll take sleepy over nauseous any day!!!!!!

I am starting yoga classes tomorrow. I tried to start water aerobics classes but no one would call me back for like 3 weeks so I gave up on that one. My grandparents take a yoga class at their church for a very inexpensive cost so I figured I'd jump on that board rather than pay $15/class. I'm excited because I love yoga! It will help maintain fitness and keep my weight in control.

On another note, we have our anatomy scan on May 13th. We're also having a gender reveal party on May 23rd and we're very excited for it! We'll have different colored foods, my cousin is making our cake and we'll have games. We're having everyone dress in the color of their vote so we can divide the teams up for the games. We're going to find out with everyone else so that will make it that much more fun. We're playing with lots of ideas for the big reveal... We just need to settle on one so we can get in planned and in the works! I think its a girl. Honestly, I would be extremely happy with either as long as the baby is healthy. I know its cliché but its true. I've been waiting so long and I just am so excited! There are benefits and downfalls of having either gender so it doesn't matter... I just have this feeling and have since before we conceived that we would have a girl first. We'll see! I will make a whole blog post about how we revealed the gender :-)

I think I felt the first little kick/flutter yesterday while at work. It felt so surreal, nothing I've felt before. I was bent over at my computer at work because I was tired of sitting straight up (it was hurting my back) so I leaned over and when I bent down, I felt this crazy feeling. It stopped when I sat up and happened again when I bent over. It was probably telling me to stop squishing it hahaha

I'm honestly loving being pregnant so far. I have no complaints! I love being pregnant! I can't wait for our bundle of joy to be here though. I'm excited to hold our baby, feed it, dress it, bathe it, play with it, spend time with it and wake up to its cries. I can't wait to bring a life into this world and raise it to love God, live righteously and be a kind, caring, wonderful person that will contribute to the world and not just live in it!

I will update in a few weeks after our anatomy scan!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How we told

So everyone has their own ideas and stories about how they told their family or announced it to the world... Here is our little story.

So timing wise, we had our first ultrasound the week of Valentine's Day. Lucky for us, my mom has kept a tradition going in our family every year to have dinner for Valentine's Day. Well this year, she had to make the choice to either go to the Cyclones game that the girls were playing hockey during a period break or Valentine's dinner... She chose the first option (which was a good choice!). Ryan and I knew this ahead of time. She has also always given us all gifts, something small like chocolate and a candle or a stuffed animal, etc. This only made things easier to play out!

We decided to host Valentine's day dinner at our house. We also invited Ryan's parents who aren't used to the tradition but they love coming over for dinner and socializing with my family. My aunt and uncle couldn't come because they were all sick with the flu but my cousin could come because she had been at her mom's house and wasn't sick (we called them and told them after everyone else found out). Since my mom loves taking photos of every event we have, I played it as if I was taking photos of everything for her so she can feel like she is part of the dinner. I took photos of everyone sitting around, eating, and the big reveal!

We made mugs and/or wine glasses for everyone, depending on their taste with their new titles on them and either a bottle of wine or a bottle of sparkling juice. My mom got a wine glass that said "They call me Nana" and a mini bottle of wine. Ryan's mom got a wine glass that said "They call me Mamaw" and a mini bottle of wine. Ryan's dad got a coffee mug that said "They call me Pap" with a mini bottle of sparkling juice. My grandpa got a mug that said "The best grandpas... become GREAT grandpas!" with a mini bottle of sparkling juice. And my grandma got a mug that said "The best grandmas... become GREAT grandmas!" with a bottle of sparkling juice. All of the bottle of sparkling juice/wine had a tag that said "Do not open until October 2015" on them and were placed inside the mugs and next to the wine glasses. I put them in a pink paper bag and taped them shut. After dinner but before dessert we gave them their presents and said "Mom wants me to take pics of the gifts, so just open them like normal... You know how she is!"

They opened them up and my grandpa pulls out his bottle of sparkling juice and says "October 2015? That's weird". Ryan's mom got her glass out and immediately started crying and asking if it means what she thinks it means. Well it did lol Ryan's dad started tearing up and my grandma was very confused because she hadn't even gotten her bag open yet (she is one of those take the tape off then open the bag/box nicely kind of people... everyone else are rippers lol) Once she realized what it meant, she immediately came over and gave me a huge hug. Ryan took a video and I think his brother's reaction was the greatest! He just stood there and looked around very confused and then started crying and saying (in a confused tone), "I'm going to be an uncle?!" They all LOVED it! I've attached photos at the bottom for your viewing pleasure (there is even a moving one to get the real feel for how it kind of went lol). I didn't get any pictures of the mugs/wine glasses because I'm a goof.

We went up to Ft. Wayne to see my dad the next day. He moved up there at the end of December because he got a promotion at work. We only went up to have dinner with him to tell him but we ended up getting snowed in up there and stayed the night at his house... It was a lot of fun! For my dad, we gave him a yellow onsie that said "My grandpa is a rockstar" and a pair of binkies that say "Mute Button" and "Pull to Sound the Alarm". He laughed and loved it. He is like me in his emotions, he will smile but he is not a crier or a screamer. I could tell he was happy. He called his girlfriend on the way back to his house to tell her the news and she said he was overjoyed. I think its bittersweet for him... His baby is very clearly growing up lol

Cody and Ryan cooking dinner

Ryan's dad, my grandpa and my grandma watching a V-Day movie

Marissa (my cousin), Isabel, Aaryn (Ryan's brother) and Cynthia (Ryan's cousin)

My grandpa, my grandma and Kira (Cody's girlfriend) eating dinner

Aaryn, Elizabeth, Ryan's mom, Ryan's dad, Isabel, Cynthia and Ryan

Isabel and Skylar (Ryan's cousin) dancing

Dancing again... They were busting a move and putting on a show

Grandpa and Elizabeth

The start of the BIG REVEAL!

Grandpa discovering his sparkling juice bottle

Sherri standing up and starting to shake

Sherri in the process of hitting Doug telling him what it means... Meanwhile my grandpa is smiling because he knows

Loving the pure reactions of grandma, Sherri and Doug.

Its so much better in motion!
Couldn't trick my dad into taking pictures... He gets skeptical like me. We even had to tell him the present we brought was a housewarming present!
This is how we told the FB world and the rest of our friends and family. Hockey is our life so it only made sense.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Nuchal Scan and Update

On March 23, 2015, I went to my OB/GYN for my NT scan. Boy oh boy was that an experience!

First, any scans are done no later than 1:00pm so we scheduled it at an earlier time of 10:00am so that we're not leaving work too early and not getting to work too late. We got to sleep in, get breakfast AND go to lunch together... It was awesome! I got into the room for the scan and the woman came in shortly after to set everything up. The scan began and the baby was being super uncooperative! We had never seen it move before and this time it was moving around like craaaazy! It was flipping around, kicking itself back and forth, flopping like a fish, mooning us, turning its back to us... It even grabbed its foot and pulled it up by its face!! This went on for 20 minutes. The woman doing the scan said she needed a break because her hand was starting to cramp up and we needed to see if the baby would chill out for a second so she could get it at the right angle. Well the hubby got down to belly level and spoke into my belly button (he has been doing this every morning since I was 6 weeks along and sometimes at night... He says the belly button is the loudspeaker and the best way for the baby to hear him). He told the baby it needed to cooperate for the nice lady and lay still and flat so we could make sure everything was okay. I told the baby it needed to cooperate or it was going to get a needle poking in (amnio) and no ice cream for being good.

She came back in the room after a few minutes and got everything ready to go again. Wouldn't you know that the baby laid perfectly still and flat like its daddy told it to do?! She got the measurement she needed and we got a few cute photos to take home and stare at. Ryan video taped almost the whole thing and took photos of the screen. We were both in awe of our moving, healthy baby. Here is the debut of the Craig Nugget at 12 weeks:

We are excited (mainly me) that the woman said based on the scan results and depending on my blood test (which came back normal a few days later), I won't need to have an amnio if I don't want to. I do not want to! We've paid too much for this baby to risk miscarriage now. Also, we have no genetic issues or predispositions for anything so neither of us are worried. I still have time so if they think something is wrong, I will get it done.

I did get my latest testosterone results. It is still increasing but the increase has slowed a little bit. My endo said he's not concerned about it because it is my PCOS reacting to the pregnancy and as long as nothing has been detected as being wrong, there should be no problems with the baby. He also said it could be due to me being pregnant with a male and that would cause my testosterone to rise.

I have my anatomy scan scheduled for May 19th and we will find out if we're having a boy or girl! We're excited to find out what we're having but also excited to see our baby again!! All of our family and friends are eager to find out too but they won't find out until our gender reveal party at the end of May :-)