Monday, April 27, 2015


As of today, I am officially 17 weeks along! My oh my how time has flown by! It seems like not that long ago that we were telling everyone when I was almost 7 weeks!

I haven't weighed myself in quite sometime because my scale isn't exactly the most reliable so I don't even weigh myself anymore. Last I checked though, I was up 5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I have really been trying to eat healthy.. It also helps that I have been craving fruit and veges at various times so I have been stuffing myself full of good stuff! I have had the occasional piece of candy or cake or ice cream but nothing more than usual... Sweet stuff has been too sweet for me since I got pregnant! I will admit, I have not been the best at taking my vitamin everyday... I'm not one that remembers medicine. I need to get better about it and put it next to my bed so I can remember to take it at night before bed or something.

Anywhos. I have been keeping a pregnancy journal as the weeks come and go to see changes and size differences. I am now measuring at 42 1/4 inches around my hips and 48 inches around my belly button. I'm not sure what I was pre-pregnancy for my hips but my pants still fit, so that's a good thing for now. I can't wear all of them, just the ones that were previously larger or stretchy. My belly has expended significantly, although I just can't see much of a big difference. I was about 41 inches pre-pregnancy so clearly the baby is growing. I can see the pooch form just below my belly button that shows kind of where my uterus is sitting because it kind of goes out then in.. its weird hahah

I have had a very easy pregnancy (insert hisses and boos here). I have had no morning sickness, no crazy cravings, nothing makes me nauseous when I see it or smell it (except the occasionally nasty gas released from the body of my hubby or the girls), I'm still able to fit quiet a few of my pre-pregnancy clothes. The only pain in the butt thing to me is the increased testosterone (which has slowed down a little on the increase), the quickness with which my body hair grows and the darkening of some hairs that were not there before. Also, my acne has gotten worse... My guess is it is caused by the increase in testosterone. I have grown a whole cup size by the time I was 12 weeks. Luckily my boobs haven't increased since then but they are stinking huge and heavy! I was very tired in the beginning... As in falling asleep/ready for bed at 8 or 9pm and wanting to sleep through my alarm clock and try not to fall asleep during the middle of the day! I'll take sleepy over nauseous any day!!!!!!

I am starting yoga classes tomorrow. I tried to start water aerobics classes but no one would call me back for like 3 weeks so I gave up on that one. My grandparents take a yoga class at their church for a very inexpensive cost so I figured I'd jump on that board rather than pay $15/class. I'm excited because I love yoga! It will help maintain fitness and keep my weight in control.

On another note, we have our anatomy scan on May 13th. We're also having a gender reveal party on May 23rd and we're very excited for it! We'll have different colored foods, my cousin is making our cake and we'll have games. We're having everyone dress in the color of their vote so we can divide the teams up for the games. We're going to find out with everyone else so that will make it that much more fun. We're playing with lots of ideas for the big reveal... We just need to settle on one so we can get in planned and in the works! I think its a girl. Honestly, I would be extremely happy with either as long as the baby is healthy. I know its cliché but its true. I've been waiting so long and I just am so excited! There are benefits and downfalls of having either gender so it doesn't matter... I just have this feeling and have since before we conceived that we would have a girl first. We'll see! I will make a whole blog post about how we revealed the gender :-)

I think I felt the first little kick/flutter yesterday while at work. It felt so surreal, nothing I've felt before. I was bent over at my computer at work because I was tired of sitting straight up (it was hurting my back) so I leaned over and when I bent down, I felt this crazy feeling. It stopped when I sat up and happened again when I bent over. It was probably telling me to stop squishing it hahaha

I'm honestly loving being pregnant so far. I have no complaints! I love being pregnant! I can't wait for our bundle of joy to be here though. I'm excited to hold our baby, feed it, dress it, bathe it, play with it, spend time with it and wake up to its cries. I can't wait to bring a life into this world and raise it to love God, live righteously and be a kind, caring, wonderful person that will contribute to the world and not just live in it!

I will update in a few weeks after our anatomy scan!

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