Thursday, April 2, 2015

Nuchal Scan and Update

On March 23, 2015, I went to my OB/GYN for my NT scan. Boy oh boy was that an experience!

First, any scans are done no later than 1:00pm so we scheduled it at an earlier time of 10:00am so that we're not leaving work too early and not getting to work too late. We got to sleep in, get breakfast AND go to lunch together... It was awesome! I got into the room for the scan and the woman came in shortly after to set everything up. The scan began and the baby was being super uncooperative! We had never seen it move before and this time it was moving around like craaaazy! It was flipping around, kicking itself back and forth, flopping like a fish, mooning us, turning its back to us... It even grabbed its foot and pulled it up by its face!! This went on for 20 minutes. The woman doing the scan said she needed a break because her hand was starting to cramp up and we needed to see if the baby would chill out for a second so she could get it at the right angle. Well the hubby got down to belly level and spoke into my belly button (he has been doing this every morning since I was 6 weeks along and sometimes at night... He says the belly button is the loudspeaker and the best way for the baby to hear him). He told the baby it needed to cooperate for the nice lady and lay still and flat so we could make sure everything was okay. I told the baby it needed to cooperate or it was going to get a needle poking in (amnio) and no ice cream for being good.

She came back in the room after a few minutes and got everything ready to go again. Wouldn't you know that the baby laid perfectly still and flat like its daddy told it to do?! She got the measurement she needed and we got a few cute photos to take home and stare at. Ryan video taped almost the whole thing and took photos of the screen. We were both in awe of our moving, healthy baby. Here is the debut of the Craig Nugget at 12 weeks:

We are excited (mainly me) that the woman said based on the scan results and depending on my blood test (which came back normal a few days later), I won't need to have an amnio if I don't want to. I do not want to! We've paid too much for this baby to risk miscarriage now. Also, we have no genetic issues or predispositions for anything so neither of us are worried. I still have time so if they think something is wrong, I will get it done.

I did get my latest testosterone results. It is still increasing but the increase has slowed a little bit. My endo said he's not concerned about it because it is my PCOS reacting to the pregnancy and as long as nothing has been detected as being wrong, there should be no problems with the baby. He also said it could be due to me being pregnant with a male and that would cause my testosterone to rise.

I have my anatomy scan scheduled for May 19th and we will find out if we're having a boy or girl! We're excited to find out what we're having but also excited to see our baby again!! All of our family and friends are eager to find out too but they won't find out until our gender reveal party at the end of May :-)

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