Monday, October 13, 2014


Well, I went into my doctor yesterday morning to check the progress of the growth of my follicles... That didn't go so well. Apparently, my follicles that were once measuring at about 10-12 each (I had four on my left side, my right was dormant), are now shrinking down in size to between 8-9 each. I was devastated to say the least! I really felt it was going to work. Luckily though, it still could :-)

My RE is having me start taking four Letrazole a day for the next few days and come back on Friday for an ultrasound. The hope is that this will stimulate the follicles more and they will grow rapidly and be ready to go. My fear is that if I get pregnant with the middle of the cycle dose, that I will have a miscarriage or the child will have significant health issues. I really don't want either of those things to happen!

So I shall make the drive to the pharmacy to get my medication and start it again in hopes that this will all work out. I really hope it works this time because honestly if it doesn't, we are going to keep shelling out money... Our child(ren) better realize they are special and blessings to us (and behave!) because they will be our "million dollar babies" hahah

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