Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Pills and Patches

As many of you know, I have started round 2 of TTC. My doctor upped my Letrozole and added estrogen patches to this round. As promised, I said I would talk about the side effects and feelings of the medication. Obviously, if my appointment goes well tomorrow, then the medication worked.


I took three- 2.5mg pills every day for four days. I took it at the same time for three of the days but the first day I took it later because I had to get the medicine after work. My doctor said this would be okay as long as I took the medicine in the morning the other days, so I did.


These are the estrogen patches I had to get. They cost $106 at Meijer (no insurance yet... please God let it happen next month!). My doctor wanted me to apply four of them, two on each side of my ribs and two on each side of my belly button. I have to keep them on for four days and could possibly need to change them and keep the new ones on for a while but I'll know more at my next appointment (tomorrow). I haven't had any bad side effects except the fact that I have noticed a significant increase in appetite! I'm talking, I'll eat a full meal and then 20 minutes later be starving. It's crazy! I haven't acted upon my significant hunger increase except with some water, fruit, veges or nuts.

Sorry its shorter than the last one but my experience with the Letrazole has been the same as last time even with the increased dosage.

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