Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year

Its a new year, which means resolution time... Oh those blasted resolutions. The time of year that stores love more than Black Friday! Its the time of year when we, as a society, decide to change something about ourselves (physical, mental, habitual, etc.) to make ourselves better. Many times people chose to have goals like lose weight, save money, be more kind, stop smoking... the list goes on and on and on.

With said resolutions, people tend to buy the things they need in order to make their resolutions the best. I was at Walmart last night getting a few things and out in the front, where their women's clothing usually is, there sat a row of ellipticals and treadmills, waiting for someone to buy them.... And wouldn't you know it, an overweight man with 5 boxes of Nutrisystem and a few large containers of protein powder in his cart was testing out a treadmill and bought it. I really hope this gentleman attains his goals and loses however much weight he wants/needs to and feels better! The problem with most resolutions though is that people give up after a month or two, or before even trying at all. I am no different.

This year I have made goals (resolutions). They are as follows:

1) Lose at least 20 pounds by May (5 months, 4 pounds a month).
2) Get pregnant and have a healthy child.
3) Change my dietary habits to be healthier (follow the Alton Brown plan).
4) Have breakfast 5 out of 7 mornings per week.
5) Take the LSAT (and get a great score).
6) Complete monthly goals around the house

For me those seem simple (with the exception of the getting pregnant). I think making these changes will not only help me wake up in the morning but also make me feel better and heighten my changes of pregnancy.

The Alton Brown plan is as follows:

Consume Daily:
-dark leafy greens
-green tea
-whole grains
-fruits (especially purple ones)

Consume 3x a week:
-sweet potato
-oily fish (sardines, herring, anchovies, tuna, salmon, trout and mackerel)

Consume 1x a week:
-red meat
-white starch (pasta, white bread, rice and potatoes)

Never Consume:
-processed meals
-canned soups
-"diet" anything

I am meal planning as I type this. So far, I started my day off with the smoothie recipe he uses which consists of Acai, Soymilk, blueberries, strawberries, mango, pineapple, raspberries, blackberries, and banana. It was delish! The only part I didn't like was the banana had a funny taste too it... they weren't ripe enough. We're eating overnight oats tomorrow so it will give the bananas time to get more ripe :-)

Lucky for me, my husband is ready to lose weight too and get healthier right along with me so we can motivate each other! I am hoping to lose much needed weight... Even though the end result will hopefully be getting larger (with child) hahah its a backwards life we PCOS'ers live!

What are you New Year's resolutions? How do you plan on keeping them for the year?

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