Wednesday, September 23, 2015

38 weeks!!!

Eeeeek!!! I am bubbling over with joy this week!! We are even closer to meeting our little man!

This week will be my last week of work until January. Its sooo exciting! I will be glad to be able to have lots of time to be productive, get things done and relax a little before the baby comes!

Yesterday was our 3 year anniversary! I am so excited to have spent the past 3 years married to my fella! Granted, it hasn't all been easy peasy but I wouldn't have it any other way! I can't wait to see what this next year will bring us seeing as how it will have a new addition to the family :-) We spent the day at work then had a doctor's appointment and then headed to Indianapolis to go to the temple. We have decided to start a new tradition of going to the temple on our anniversary just to live in the moment and remember the covenants we made to each other that day. It was absolutely special and I loved every minute of it!

This is a quick picture I snapped last night in front of the temple doors with my hot stud before we left to go back home :-)

The OB appointment went well. We didn't wait long, which was nice. We also go to see one of the doctors we like so that was an added bonus! My weight gain is on target, my measurements are right on target, my BP was great and the baby's heartbeat sounded great. We discussed the swelling I have been having in my ankles and he told me to prop my feet up whenever I get a chance. He told me the swelling I'm experiencing isn't concerning to his since everything looks good vitally and in my urine cultures but he did run down a list of symptoms that if they occur, I need to call him ASAP because it could be a sign of something happening. He checked my cervix and I am all closed up and the baby is still sitting high... So high in fact that by feeling he couldn't tell for sure if it was a head or his butt so he felt around on my belly and found out he is still head down (thank goodness!!). So it looks like the baby won't be coming anytime soon, which I am ok with! I predict I will go pretty close to my due date :-)

I have another baby shower hosted by a couple wonderful women at my church on Saturday. Next week we will be going shopping for any last minute items that we'll need for the baby before he arrives.

Ryan got his stuff in the room cleaned up and put the bassinet on his side of the bed. I just have to get mine cleaned up. We've both gotten in a really bad habit of doing laundry, leaving the clean stuff in the basket and throwing dirty stuff on the floor. So we're fixing that. I also need to go through my clothes and donate the stuff I didn't wear before pregnancy so that I can clear out space. I have wayyy too many clothes and I don't even wear most of them. I would rather have less options and more organization than baskets and closets and dressers full of clothes!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

37 Weeks

I am officially a week closer to meeting our wonderful boy! I'm getting wayyyy anxious!

37 weeks and counting... I don't think I look too bad!

So last week the doctor told me the glucose in my urine was too high and she wanted me to get an ultrasound before my next appointment to check on the size of the baby and the amount of fluid. My measurements are coming up spot on every week but she thinks I may have developed GD in late pregnancy but wants to check the baby before she sends me for another glucose test or something.

Well, I got the privilege of seeing our little guy twice in one day! I also got to fall asleep to his heartbeat :-) Why you may be asking? Well, I got rear-ended on Wednesday (the 16th) on my way to church to meet with my Bishop. Fun fun! I was stopped on the road behind someone waiting for them to turn left and out of nowhere, this lady hits the back of my car going full speed (40-45mph). Her airbags went off. Her and her daughter (late high school/early college age) went to the hospital with very minor injuries but their car will be deemed totaled. Luckily my car barely moved, as apparently it is a tank/boulder/hoss! I have very little damage to my car and once insurance gets all settled out, it will be fixed in 2 days. We had to wait around for a while because their car's frame was wrapped around the ball hitch on my car so the tow truck had to pry her car off of mine... It was interesting to say the least. I did go to the hospital to get checked in case anything happened to the baby and they kept me overnight for observation and so I could get an ultrasound in the morning. They woke me up every couple hours to check my vitals and see how the baby was doing. His heart rate was great all night but he was being very stubborn and tried to move away from the heart monitor several times hahah I had the ultrasound and everything looked good, which is always good news. The hubby was wonderful enough to stay at the hospital with me all night and took the day off on Thursday to make sure I was doing ok. We got to eat breakfast at IHOP after we were discharged, which was delicious!

On Thursday (17th) I had my OB appointment scheduled and the ultrasound before that. The ultrasound tech (who we love) said he looks great and his fluid levels are normal. He is in the 75th percentile for weight, weighing in at an estimated 7 pounds, 1 ounce, so he is a little bit bigger but nothing concerning. I have always thought he would be somewhere between 8 to 8.5 pounds when he was born, so it doesn't surprise me or concern me. The funny thing is that I had no glucose in my urine this time, which proves that my theory of how the glucose got in my urine that day is probably correct. Who knows? More good news: my group B strep test came back negative! Woot Woot! I was worried about that one because it means I can't do most of my laboring at home, which is where I'll be most comfortable, I would have to do it in a hospital... Which is no fun!

On Saturday (the 19th) we went to Cleveland for my great grandpa's 90th birthday! He is such a magnificent man. He has been through so much in his lifetime but still manages to keep a happy attitude, positive spirit and be loving to everyone. He is truly an inspiration. At 90 years old, he and his wife still live on their own in a 2 bedroom condo in a retirement community. He manages the community garden; restores various furniture; builds cool things like model log cabins from scratch complete with furniture; paints beautiful pictures; is on their community counsel; is single-handedly responsible for the community getting new (and more) fire hydrants, street signs and stop signs; and so much more... All things he has done in the 15 years he has lived in that community! We had to leave after the party so Ryan could get home in time for work on Sunday morning.

I had another baby shower today (the 20th) hosted by Ryan's mom. It was a fun time! She did a brunch and totally outdid herself on the food! She had everything from standard muffins, croissants and fruit to biscuits and gravy, hash brown casserole and soooo much more! There were a bunch of games and everyone walked away with a prize (even the kids).

I will be back next week with another update :-)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

36 Weeks

Well here it is folks, my 36 week picture! 4 more weeks until we get to meet our little poop machine! Er, I mean, bundle of joy! hahaha

We are beyond excited for him to come into our lives! The girls are counting down the days (probably more so than we are!) I am so happy that they are so excited! Their teachers keep telling us how much they talk about the baby on a regular basis so we know they aren't just putting on their fake excited faces for us!

These days, I am getting up every 2 hours in the middle of the night to pee... I'm surprised at just how much urine my body can produce. I have a strong bladder and can hold it for hours if needed but now with this baby! I am doing pretty well on the comfort level. I do need to make sure we get to church in time for us to get a "cushy" seat as we call it as opposed to the hard metal chairs in the back... If not, I can't make it through the first hour of church! I am still able to wear my engagement ring with no problems in the swelling department (I do check at least once a day to make sure I can still get it off pretty easily). The wedding bands have been gone for some time because I got so freaked out that they would get stuck... All 3 of the rings together takes up almost the whole bottom of my finger so I think you can see why I was so freaked! I have swelling in my ankles and calves every now and again but nothing a little propping up of the feet can't fix. I did notice that if I am walking around a lot, I do not have swelling so I have been trying to walk around a little more at work (my job is very sedentary and in front of a computer so it makes it a little hard).

This morning I did go to my regular doctor and it turns out I have tonsillitis... Which is fun... NOT! At first I thought it was a cold or something but it just kept getting worse and I started to lose my voice, have a raspy cough and anytime I coughed it felt like knives stabbing me in the throat. But I am able to take antibiotics given to me by my doctor and apparently Delsym is safe for pregnant women so I have been able to take that to help with the cough. We'll see how it goes with getting better!

I also went to the OB this afternoon for my 36 week appointment and to have the Group B Strep test. We waited for over an hour for this doctor. I really didn't like her much at all. I have had no problems with any of the other doctors in the practice except her. We got put in a room after waiting in the waiting room for an hour then I had to wait on the table, half undressed for 30 more minutes! Ugh! I hope next week isn't the same! She comes in tells me there was a good amount of glucose in my urine and she wants me to have an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay with the baby's growth and that he isn't growing to quickly or that he doesn't have too much fluid around him. So I have to do that next week. I don't think there will be any problems. I am hoping so at least... I don't want a huge baby and I also don't want anything to be wrong with him!! I am measuring on target again with my growth. The Group B strep test was uncomfortable.... I'm pretty sure she stuck the swab up my butt lol anyways, I have to wait about a week for the results to come back for that so we shall see if I am positive for it. I hope not. I would love to not have to be tied down to an IV machine for antibiotics while I'm trying to make my labor more comfortable.

I have not had any Braxton Hicks, so here's to hoping I continue to not have them. My mom told me that she didn't have them when she was pregnant with any of us, her labor just kind of came one day with my brother and I, and for the younger 2 she had to be induced for medical reasons.

As of this week, I have 3 weeks left of work. My boss has given me the week before off, which is nice because I can get last minute things done and focus on preparing myself for labor. It kind of stinks though because I would love to have one of those "I went into labor at work" stories lol

Other than that, I don't have much else to update at the moment. I will update later next week after my appointment to let you all know how things are going!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

35 Weeks

So in keeping up with promises, I am posting this week. I feel soooo bad that I have been so terrible about updating this blog. I know it was meant to be a journey through my pregnancy but I didn't anticipate being so busy!!

As of 35 weeks, my little nugget is squirming around rather than kicking and likes to rest his butt on my ribs. He is still head down and has been since I was about 23 or 24 weeks along. He loves when I eat fruit and drink ice cold drinks. He squirms like crazy when I eat a Snowie (for those who aren't familiar, its basically a snow cone but with super finely shaved ice and delicious flavor combinations). He loves hearing his dad's voice and seems to recognize it now and will squirm when he hears him come home. Nugget is just being good. I am still having my groin pain and occasional heartburn but nothing crazy.

I had my first baby shower on August 15, 2015, which my mom hosted and it was fun (despite being in Florida until that morning with my brother for the birth of his baby). I won't lie, I was nervous that it wouldn't turn out because she had been in Florida for a week at that point and wasn't here to do anything for it. Luckily, she had a plan and family that was here were able to pitch in to help execute the plan she had. The party was superhero themed and so is the nursery. We're trying to keep it classic superhero and not the newer versions of the heroes. We are also not being picky on DC or Marvel, we want him to like them all! Here is the cake that my cousin made with one of the signs that was décor but we got to keep to hang up in the nursery.

We got quite a few different gifts from the people that came, which we are thankful for. I was a little disappointed that many people who said they were coming didn't show. That is one of my pet peeves. I understand emergencies happen (one person had to bail for an ER visit for their kid) but when you just don't show up without an explanation, that's just rude!
There is still a good amount of stuff we need to get but we have a great start on it all! I have another shower coming up on September 20th that is being hosted by Ryan's mom, she says it is going to be brunch... I love brunch!
Then I believe I will be having a church shower but we shall see if that will happen or not... I'm not very high on the priority or caring list of a lot of people there since I'm not new, since I have a job and can't just go to lunch in the middle of the day, or can't have a "playdate" with our kids because I have the girls who are older (and have no interest) and a baby on the way who can't play with anyone except my insides. I guess we'll see what happens. If not, I don't really expect anyone will really give a crap about the baby, except in the courteous way. Most of the time when people in my church are pregnant, there is usually more than one person pregnant and right now I am the only one. The weird part is, no one seems to really care about my pregnancy or baby, which is fine, it shows you how people really are. I get the usual "how are you feeling?" but not in a way that I feel like if I wasn't doing well, they would honestly care or do anything to help me out... Not a way that you want to feel in a large organization of people who are supposed to be like your second "family". But I think I have kind of always felt like an outsider there because I haven't been a member my whole life, I have a different perspective on life, I have piercings and tattoos that will be with me forever, I don't like to speak in public and I don't have time to always go to the RS activities due to things the girls have going on. I honestly don't think anyone (except my close friends... who are actually across the country and their parents are close friends of mine too who live here) knows the struggles that I have had with the girls, with PCOS or with pregnancy and frankly, I don't think anyone would care if they did know. My bishop knows and he has talked to the RS presidency about it because I was having a really hard time for about a year with wanting to go to RS because every lesson seemed to involve kids and raising families and how one of the roles of a woman is to bear children so she can continue her posterity... Well when you can't produce a child and then have to pay out thousands of dollars just to be able to try to get pregnant, those kinds of talks only bring you down. But did any of those talks change when the bishop talked to the RS? Nope. Not one single bit. So instead of going, I would just skip out on the last hour of church by wandering the halls, sitting in the foyer reading or just leave the building and go home. It was a dark time. I did not feel supported at all. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has gone through a dark period and a time where they just don't want to be at church but during that time, I should feel supported by my fellow sisters, not forgotten. Sorry, rant over, its just frustrating!
This past weekend, we took a little mini family vacation to Norris Lake with my grandparents, my mom and her husband, Ryan's parents and his younger brother. It was a ton of fun!! We had a cabin on the lake and rented a boat for Saturday and just lounged all day on the boat and did some tubing (I did not). It was lot of fun and very relaxing!!

Right now, my project is to wash, dry and sort all of the clothing that has been given to us by my dad's girlfriend. She has 2 grandsons who have grown out of their clothing and she doesn't want to keep hanging on to it for no reason since one of her daughters is done having kids and the other daughter is having a girl days prior to me and is done having kids after her girl. We are beyond thankful for all of the stuff she has given us! We have enough clothes for our little guy to never wear the same outfit more than once for the first year of his life. We know we have more coming from her, hubby's mom and my aunt (she has a son who will be 10 months older than our boy).
I have organized all the baby stuff into bins so it is all easier to access and find when its the middle of the night and I'm tired or if the girls are being helpful (they're terrible at finding stuff unless its labeled clearly). I still have a couple boxes of clothes to wash and sort. I also have to hang up and put away the clothes in the newborn to 6 months range. All of the other clothes in the bigger sizes are in clear bins with labels on them and will go in the closet when I am done with them.
My next project will be to set up the bookshelf when we get it. Then I will be doing some dusting and cleaning of the house. Then I will get my hospital bag together so that we are prepared for an early arrival, should it occur. Then I will be working on our room so that I can get it organized and clothes off the floor so I can put the bassinet in there. I have 4.5 weeks left to prepare so hopefully we can get it all done!!
Ryan starts school in 2 weeks, the girls start hockey in 3 weeks, Ryan starts coaching in 3 weeks, the Bengals start their regular season in 2 weeks (so hubby will be working a lot more) and we have quite a few weekend events coming up that will take our Saturdays away. I also have noticed I have been getting increasingly tired throughout the day, so that doesn't help with getting anything done. Wish me luck that it all gets done in time!!
I think that is all for my update today. I will try to update next week, if I remember! Hopefully by then, the nursery will be completely done and I can show it off!