Wednesday, September 23, 2015

38 weeks!!!

Eeeeek!!! I am bubbling over with joy this week!! We are even closer to meeting our little man!

This week will be my last week of work until January. Its sooo exciting! I will be glad to be able to have lots of time to be productive, get things done and relax a little before the baby comes!

Yesterday was our 3 year anniversary! I am so excited to have spent the past 3 years married to my fella! Granted, it hasn't all been easy peasy but I wouldn't have it any other way! I can't wait to see what this next year will bring us seeing as how it will have a new addition to the family :-) We spent the day at work then had a doctor's appointment and then headed to Indianapolis to go to the temple. We have decided to start a new tradition of going to the temple on our anniversary just to live in the moment and remember the covenants we made to each other that day. It was absolutely special and I loved every minute of it!

This is a quick picture I snapped last night in front of the temple doors with my hot stud before we left to go back home :-)

The OB appointment went well. We didn't wait long, which was nice. We also go to see one of the doctors we like so that was an added bonus! My weight gain is on target, my measurements are right on target, my BP was great and the baby's heartbeat sounded great. We discussed the swelling I have been having in my ankles and he told me to prop my feet up whenever I get a chance. He told me the swelling I'm experiencing isn't concerning to his since everything looks good vitally and in my urine cultures but he did run down a list of symptoms that if they occur, I need to call him ASAP because it could be a sign of something happening. He checked my cervix and I am all closed up and the baby is still sitting high... So high in fact that by feeling he couldn't tell for sure if it was a head or his butt so he felt around on my belly and found out he is still head down (thank goodness!!). So it looks like the baby won't be coming anytime soon, which I am ok with! I predict I will go pretty close to my due date :-)

I have another baby shower hosted by a couple wonderful women at my church on Saturday. Next week we will be going shopping for any last minute items that we'll need for the baby before he arrives.

Ryan got his stuff in the room cleaned up and put the bassinet on his side of the bed. I just have to get mine cleaned up. We've both gotten in a really bad habit of doing laundry, leaving the clean stuff in the basket and throwing dirty stuff on the floor. So we're fixing that. I also need to go through my clothes and donate the stuff I didn't wear before pregnancy so that I can clear out space. I have wayyy too many clothes and I don't even wear most of them. I would rather have less options and more organization than baskets and closets and dressers full of clothes!

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