Thursday, September 10, 2015

36 Weeks

Well here it is folks, my 36 week picture! 4 more weeks until we get to meet our little poop machine! Er, I mean, bundle of joy! hahaha

We are beyond excited for him to come into our lives! The girls are counting down the days (probably more so than we are!) I am so happy that they are so excited! Their teachers keep telling us how much they talk about the baby on a regular basis so we know they aren't just putting on their fake excited faces for us!

These days, I am getting up every 2 hours in the middle of the night to pee... I'm surprised at just how much urine my body can produce. I have a strong bladder and can hold it for hours if needed but now with this baby! I am doing pretty well on the comfort level. I do need to make sure we get to church in time for us to get a "cushy" seat as we call it as opposed to the hard metal chairs in the back... If not, I can't make it through the first hour of church! I am still able to wear my engagement ring with no problems in the swelling department (I do check at least once a day to make sure I can still get it off pretty easily). The wedding bands have been gone for some time because I got so freaked out that they would get stuck... All 3 of the rings together takes up almost the whole bottom of my finger so I think you can see why I was so freaked! I have swelling in my ankles and calves every now and again but nothing a little propping up of the feet can't fix. I did notice that if I am walking around a lot, I do not have swelling so I have been trying to walk around a little more at work (my job is very sedentary and in front of a computer so it makes it a little hard).

This morning I did go to my regular doctor and it turns out I have tonsillitis... Which is fun... NOT! At first I thought it was a cold or something but it just kept getting worse and I started to lose my voice, have a raspy cough and anytime I coughed it felt like knives stabbing me in the throat. But I am able to take antibiotics given to me by my doctor and apparently Delsym is safe for pregnant women so I have been able to take that to help with the cough. We'll see how it goes with getting better!

I also went to the OB this afternoon for my 36 week appointment and to have the Group B Strep test. We waited for over an hour for this doctor. I really didn't like her much at all. I have had no problems with any of the other doctors in the practice except her. We got put in a room after waiting in the waiting room for an hour then I had to wait on the table, half undressed for 30 more minutes! Ugh! I hope next week isn't the same! She comes in tells me there was a good amount of glucose in my urine and she wants me to have an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay with the baby's growth and that he isn't growing to quickly or that he doesn't have too much fluid around him. So I have to do that next week. I don't think there will be any problems. I am hoping so at least... I don't want a huge baby and I also don't want anything to be wrong with him!! I am measuring on target again with my growth. The Group B strep test was uncomfortable.... I'm pretty sure she stuck the swab up my butt lol anyways, I have to wait about a week for the results to come back for that so we shall see if I am positive for it. I hope not. I would love to not have to be tied down to an IV machine for antibiotics while I'm trying to make my labor more comfortable.

I have not had any Braxton Hicks, so here's to hoping I continue to not have them. My mom told me that she didn't have them when she was pregnant with any of us, her labor just kind of came one day with my brother and I, and for the younger 2 she had to be induced for medical reasons.

As of this week, I have 3 weeks left of work. My boss has given me the week before off, which is nice because I can get last minute things done and focus on preparing myself for labor. It kind of stinks though because I would love to have one of those "I went into labor at work" stories lol

Other than that, I don't have much else to update at the moment. I will update later next week after my appointment to let you all know how things are going!

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