Thursday, September 3, 2015

35 Weeks

So in keeping up with promises, I am posting this week. I feel soooo bad that I have been so terrible about updating this blog. I know it was meant to be a journey through my pregnancy but I didn't anticipate being so busy!!

As of 35 weeks, my little nugget is squirming around rather than kicking and likes to rest his butt on my ribs. He is still head down and has been since I was about 23 or 24 weeks along. He loves when I eat fruit and drink ice cold drinks. He squirms like crazy when I eat a Snowie (for those who aren't familiar, its basically a snow cone but with super finely shaved ice and delicious flavor combinations). He loves hearing his dad's voice and seems to recognize it now and will squirm when he hears him come home. Nugget is just being good. I am still having my groin pain and occasional heartburn but nothing crazy.

I had my first baby shower on August 15, 2015, which my mom hosted and it was fun (despite being in Florida until that morning with my brother for the birth of his baby). I won't lie, I was nervous that it wouldn't turn out because she had been in Florida for a week at that point and wasn't here to do anything for it. Luckily, she had a plan and family that was here were able to pitch in to help execute the plan she had. The party was superhero themed and so is the nursery. We're trying to keep it classic superhero and not the newer versions of the heroes. We are also not being picky on DC or Marvel, we want him to like them all! Here is the cake that my cousin made with one of the signs that was décor but we got to keep to hang up in the nursery.

We got quite a few different gifts from the people that came, which we are thankful for. I was a little disappointed that many people who said they were coming didn't show. That is one of my pet peeves. I understand emergencies happen (one person had to bail for an ER visit for their kid) but when you just don't show up without an explanation, that's just rude!
There is still a good amount of stuff we need to get but we have a great start on it all! I have another shower coming up on September 20th that is being hosted by Ryan's mom, she says it is going to be brunch... I love brunch!
Then I believe I will be having a church shower but we shall see if that will happen or not... I'm not very high on the priority or caring list of a lot of people there since I'm not new, since I have a job and can't just go to lunch in the middle of the day, or can't have a "playdate" with our kids because I have the girls who are older (and have no interest) and a baby on the way who can't play with anyone except my insides. I guess we'll see what happens. If not, I don't really expect anyone will really give a crap about the baby, except in the courteous way. Most of the time when people in my church are pregnant, there is usually more than one person pregnant and right now I am the only one. The weird part is, no one seems to really care about my pregnancy or baby, which is fine, it shows you how people really are. I get the usual "how are you feeling?" but not in a way that I feel like if I wasn't doing well, they would honestly care or do anything to help me out... Not a way that you want to feel in a large organization of people who are supposed to be like your second "family". But I think I have kind of always felt like an outsider there because I haven't been a member my whole life, I have a different perspective on life, I have piercings and tattoos that will be with me forever, I don't like to speak in public and I don't have time to always go to the RS activities due to things the girls have going on. I honestly don't think anyone (except my close friends... who are actually across the country and their parents are close friends of mine too who live here) knows the struggles that I have had with the girls, with PCOS or with pregnancy and frankly, I don't think anyone would care if they did know. My bishop knows and he has talked to the RS presidency about it because I was having a really hard time for about a year with wanting to go to RS because every lesson seemed to involve kids and raising families and how one of the roles of a woman is to bear children so she can continue her posterity... Well when you can't produce a child and then have to pay out thousands of dollars just to be able to try to get pregnant, those kinds of talks only bring you down. But did any of those talks change when the bishop talked to the RS? Nope. Not one single bit. So instead of going, I would just skip out on the last hour of church by wandering the halls, sitting in the foyer reading or just leave the building and go home. It was a dark time. I did not feel supported at all. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has gone through a dark period and a time where they just don't want to be at church but during that time, I should feel supported by my fellow sisters, not forgotten. Sorry, rant over, its just frustrating!
This past weekend, we took a little mini family vacation to Norris Lake with my grandparents, my mom and her husband, Ryan's parents and his younger brother. It was a ton of fun!! We had a cabin on the lake and rented a boat for Saturday and just lounged all day on the boat and did some tubing (I did not). It was lot of fun and very relaxing!!

Right now, my project is to wash, dry and sort all of the clothing that has been given to us by my dad's girlfriend. She has 2 grandsons who have grown out of their clothing and she doesn't want to keep hanging on to it for no reason since one of her daughters is done having kids and the other daughter is having a girl days prior to me and is done having kids after her girl. We are beyond thankful for all of the stuff she has given us! We have enough clothes for our little guy to never wear the same outfit more than once for the first year of his life. We know we have more coming from her, hubby's mom and my aunt (she has a son who will be 10 months older than our boy).
I have organized all the baby stuff into bins so it is all easier to access and find when its the middle of the night and I'm tired or if the girls are being helpful (they're terrible at finding stuff unless its labeled clearly). I still have a couple boxes of clothes to wash and sort. I also have to hang up and put away the clothes in the newborn to 6 months range. All of the other clothes in the bigger sizes are in clear bins with labels on them and will go in the closet when I am done with them.
My next project will be to set up the bookshelf when we get it. Then I will be doing some dusting and cleaning of the house. Then I will get my hospital bag together so that we are prepared for an early arrival, should it occur. Then I will be working on our room so that I can get it organized and clothes off the floor so I can put the bassinet in there. I have 4.5 weeks left to prepare so hopefully we can get it all done!!
Ryan starts school in 2 weeks, the girls start hockey in 3 weeks, Ryan starts coaching in 3 weeks, the Bengals start their regular season in 2 weeks (so hubby will be working a lot more) and we have quite a few weekend events coming up that will take our Saturdays away. I also have noticed I have been getting increasingly tired throughout the day, so that doesn't help with getting anything done. Wish me luck that it all gets done in time!!
I think that is all for my update today. I will try to update next week, if I remember! Hopefully by then, the nursery will be completely done and I can show it off!

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