Sunday, September 20, 2015

37 Weeks

I am officially a week closer to meeting our wonderful boy! I'm getting wayyyy anxious!

37 weeks and counting... I don't think I look too bad!

So last week the doctor told me the glucose in my urine was too high and she wanted me to get an ultrasound before my next appointment to check on the size of the baby and the amount of fluid. My measurements are coming up spot on every week but she thinks I may have developed GD in late pregnancy but wants to check the baby before she sends me for another glucose test or something.

Well, I got the privilege of seeing our little guy twice in one day! I also got to fall asleep to his heartbeat :-) Why you may be asking? Well, I got rear-ended on Wednesday (the 16th) on my way to church to meet with my Bishop. Fun fun! I was stopped on the road behind someone waiting for them to turn left and out of nowhere, this lady hits the back of my car going full speed (40-45mph). Her airbags went off. Her and her daughter (late high school/early college age) went to the hospital with very minor injuries but their car will be deemed totaled. Luckily my car barely moved, as apparently it is a tank/boulder/hoss! I have very little damage to my car and once insurance gets all settled out, it will be fixed in 2 days. We had to wait around for a while because their car's frame was wrapped around the ball hitch on my car so the tow truck had to pry her car off of mine... It was interesting to say the least. I did go to the hospital to get checked in case anything happened to the baby and they kept me overnight for observation and so I could get an ultrasound in the morning. They woke me up every couple hours to check my vitals and see how the baby was doing. His heart rate was great all night but he was being very stubborn and tried to move away from the heart monitor several times hahah I had the ultrasound and everything looked good, which is always good news. The hubby was wonderful enough to stay at the hospital with me all night and took the day off on Thursday to make sure I was doing ok. We got to eat breakfast at IHOP after we were discharged, which was delicious!

On Thursday (17th) I had my OB appointment scheduled and the ultrasound before that. The ultrasound tech (who we love) said he looks great and his fluid levels are normal. He is in the 75th percentile for weight, weighing in at an estimated 7 pounds, 1 ounce, so he is a little bit bigger but nothing concerning. I have always thought he would be somewhere between 8 to 8.5 pounds when he was born, so it doesn't surprise me or concern me. The funny thing is that I had no glucose in my urine this time, which proves that my theory of how the glucose got in my urine that day is probably correct. Who knows? More good news: my group B strep test came back negative! Woot Woot! I was worried about that one because it means I can't do most of my laboring at home, which is where I'll be most comfortable, I would have to do it in a hospital... Which is no fun!

On Saturday (the 19th) we went to Cleveland for my great grandpa's 90th birthday! He is such a magnificent man. He has been through so much in his lifetime but still manages to keep a happy attitude, positive spirit and be loving to everyone. He is truly an inspiration. At 90 years old, he and his wife still live on their own in a 2 bedroom condo in a retirement community. He manages the community garden; restores various furniture; builds cool things like model log cabins from scratch complete with furniture; paints beautiful pictures; is on their community counsel; is single-handedly responsible for the community getting new (and more) fire hydrants, street signs and stop signs; and so much more... All things he has done in the 15 years he has lived in that community! We had to leave after the party so Ryan could get home in time for work on Sunday morning.

I had another baby shower today (the 20th) hosted by Ryan's mom. It was a fun time! She did a brunch and totally outdid herself on the food! She had everything from standard muffins, croissants and fruit to biscuits and gravy, hash brown casserole and soooo much more! There were a bunch of games and everyone walked away with a prize (even the kids).

I will be back next week with another update :-)

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