Thursday, September 11, 2014

I'm Making Progress

Well ladies, I went in for my first follow-up ultrasound yesterday (Wed. 9/10/14) to see if the Letrozole has been doing it's job.

I have some good news and some not as good news about it. I'll start with the good news because I'm staying positive about this: I have follicles and they are growing. One of the biggest if 14mm. Which brings me to the not so good news: My follicles aren't quite mature enough yet to take my shot so I must return to my RE tomorrow for a follow-up ultrasound to see if they are continuing to grow.

I am really praying that this is going to work. My RE seemed happy with the results so I'm going to take that as a good sign and run with it haha. I must say, I was kind of hoping to go in there and for everything to be ready to go. I'm also hoping this will be a one-and-done sort of thing.

I'd rather not deal with the disappointment so many people deal with through this process... I don't do so well when I'm failing. I know it's my body that isn't functioning properly but it's still MY body. My husband's swimmers are "super swimmers" and I'm the one who would be in charge of letting us both down if it doesn't work. I'm not trying to melodramatic but it's a little hard when you know that it will be 100% your fault if you don't have your own children....

The hubby is super optimistic and I am being so as well. He is also willing to anything and everything, as many times as it takes with no regard towards money until we have a child (our own or adopted). His motto has been "try and try, save and save, whatever it takes to have a baybay" (if only you could heard how he says it lol). I hope he continues to see things that way. I hope he continues to be optimistic through the whole process.

I told my mom what was going on and informed her of the fact that we are going through this process. She loved the thought of it (she's been trying to decide what she should be called, anything but grandma, for about a year or so since the girls aren't sure what to call her) but she did remind us of the very real possibility that we could have a miscarriage. She wants us to be prepared and also have that thought in our mind because it happened to her twice and she wasn't prepared (she didn't have PCOS and she was young, with three successful pregnancies/births prior to her miscarriages). My mom is just like me in the way she gets excited about something but also thinks of some of the bad things that could happen to prepare herself. Which is a good thing.

Both the hubby and I know and have thought of what we would do if we had a miscarriage because as you all know, the chances of that happening with having PCOS or going through fertility treatments is pretty high. We know it would wreck us but we think it's something we would have plenty of support to make it through. We pray each and everyday that I get pregnant this month and that the baby is born full term and healthy.

So ladies, wish me luck at my appointment tomorrow and if you pray, please pray for me... I'm pretty nervous!

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