Sunday, September 7, 2014

Our Journey Begins Now...

So I went in to see Dr. Thomas on Wednesday, August 27, 2014 at 2:30pm to discuss how to transition from birth control to the complete opposite. Well lucky me, I was approaching my last week of birth control so his response was, "Stop your birth control this Saturday, start taking Letrozole in Tuesday, come in to see me on the September 10th for an ultrasound to make sure it's working. If it's working you take a shot of Ovidrel then have timed intercourse and hopefully you'll be pregnant by the end of the month."

As if it would just be that easy. He has me completely convinced it will be but there is a small part of me that says "You're broken, it won't be that easy!". The hubby and I have been in good spirits though because we feel we're ready and as prepared as we can be for a baby, now to just have this thing!

We have both been very positive and looking forward to the Tuesday I began my medicine. My doctor prescribed me Letrozole, which is the generic for Femera and is supposed to help my body ovulate since it doesn't do it on it's own. I had no idea this medication existed. I did research for Clomid, I even ordered some online (which I will be returning). I heard terrible things about the side effects of Clomid, and while I know everyone reacts differently to medication, I also know that I usually suffer some side effects terribly, such as the nausea/diarrhea, headaches/migranes, dizzyness, etc. so I was afraid. I was so relieved when he decided to go a different route because I was so afraid. I will document my days on this medicine so I can give someone an insight into what Letrozole/Femera are like. I won't bore you with too many miniscule details such as my complete schedule for the day if nothing happened.

Day 1:

6:30am- Woke up
7:45am- Ate a few mini chocolate donuts on my way in and drank some grape juice :-)
8:30am- Took two, 2.5 mg pills; began work

Side effects today: A little gassy (it could be from the Mexican food from the night before, my approaching menstruation or just the medicine... not sure); a little spacy/time moving faster than I think

Day 2:

6:30am- Woke up
7:15am- Ate a Special K breakfast sandwich and some grape juice
8:30am- Took two, 2.5 mg pills
9:00am- took my prenatal vitamin
9:30am- Took a Notary Public test and felt fine
10:30am- Began work

Side effects: none

Day 3:

7:00am- Woke up
7:15am- Ate a Special K breakfast sandwich and some Gatorade
8:30am- Began work
8:33am- Took two, 2.5mg pills
9:00am- took my prenatal vitamin

Side effects: none

Day 4:

6:30am- Woke up
7:15am- Ate a Special K breakfast sandwich and an Orange Pineapple Apple juice
8:30am- Took two, 2.5mg pills; began work
4:00pm- Talked to my doctor because I was in a panic. (the lady from billing called and told me I needed to pay for the "package deal" for monitored cycle but I didn't think I was on the monitored cycle just yet... I needed clarification before I paid a little over $1000.00 for something I didn't need.)

Side effects: none

Day 5:

8:30am- Woke up; took two, 2.5mg pills
8:45am- Went back to sleep
10:00am- Woke up
12:00pm- Went to Covington's Oktoberfest

Side effects: none

Overall, my experience was pretty great. I had to remember to take the medication at the same time each day but I had no side effects at all unlike the horror stories I have read about Clomid! I'm glad my doctor went this route! I have my follow-up ultrasound on Wednesday to see if the medication is working and if I'm creating good follicles. If I have really good ones, I take my Ovidrel shot on Wednesday, if they are good but still growing, I will take the shot a few days later. So cross fingers and pray for me!

So have any of you had any experiences with Letrozole/Femera and Ovidrel? I'd LOVE to hear your experiences!

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