Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Test Results

So I had a very nice, eventful weekend in Chicago with the hubby for our anniversary. We chose to go on a last minute trip and left on Friday around 12:30pm (had to get the free lunch from his work first!). We went to a Chicago Blackhawks preseaon game that night and drove around a little then checked into our hotel. It was lovely! My dad's girlfriend hooked us up with a discounted room since she works for the hotel chain, told them it was our anniversary so they gave us chocolate covered strawberries and a bottle of champagne (we brought it home to give to my dad and his gf since we don't drink). So lovely! We explored and walked around for over 12 hours on Saturday, went on a segway tour of the city at night and a bunch of other fun things. Then Sunday we woke up super early to return in time for my cousin's 5th birthday party.

Well before we left our hotel, I took my pregnancy test. I have been feeling funny and having various things happen internally that haven't ever happened before so I thought I might be but didn't work myself up too much. Well, unfortunately it came out negative. I can't say I wasn't very bummed... Especially knowing that I had a 5 hour drive home and I knew my hubby would be sleeping (he is like a baby, can't get in the car without going to sleep). It was torture. I knew I wouldn't be able to not think about it at least once. I was surprised that I didn't feel too terrible about it and didn't think too much about it. The hubby reassured me that we would just call the doctor on Monday and try again this month. I really hope it works this time.

I know this past time I might have had some issues because I stopped my birth control later than my doctor would have liked me to (he thought he told me to stop the month prior to trying). So my hope is that this month, I can start my period (I haven't yet, which is weird because it should've started as soon as I stopped the prometrium and normally it would've started by now if I was on birth control). If I don't start by tomorrow, I think I'll take another pregnancy test just in case because I know how my body works and it doesn't feel like it normally would during this time... It feels different than it ever has.

But for now, my first round has failed. I am okay with this. We will try again and again until I am pregnant. I know the medications have been working, I've seen the results on an ultrasound and I have seen the results on my ovulation sticks. I am hopeful it will work this time! We are so ready and excited for a baby to join our family!

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